Indian CSGO Scene?
July 5, 2023 10:03am
Indian CSGO community is so small despite being good enough CSGO players in India. Denmark has 1.7% of the CSGO players while India has 1.64% according to leetify. Still we don't see much craze of CS in India.

skill gap or just people don't want to follow CS?
#1(With 1 replies)
July 5, 2023 10:30am
Convert those percentages to Per-Capita and you would have your answer.
[From Leetify Twitter] [CSGO Players per 1 Million citizens]:
Denmark: 78892
India: 324
Also consider the fact that most CS players in India are casuals and have little to no idea about Esports
#2(With 0 replies)
July 5, 2023 01:22pm
yeah, I get that per capita is very low for India, but the absolute amount is still good enough, right?

I feel its more the second reason that casual players have almost no idea about esports. Now the question is, how do we get these casual players towards esports, maybe not as athletes but at least as followers.
#3(With 4 replies)
July 5, 2023 06:46pm
After forsaken debacle and Optic India leaving, the entire scene shut down. But the good news is that Valve has plans for India for CS2, as they realised India got more Valorant players, and Valve cannot afford to lose the Indian player base. The result being this website, the 1st Indian CS tournament in years, Skyesports Masters. Slowly Indian CS scene will get back on its feet with CS2.
#4(With 0 replies)
July 6, 2023 05:01pm
Lol, valve never supports CSGO as much as the audience wants it in general not just India. So i dont think valve will have any plans for India. came bcz of HLTV, sky is doing CS bcz they don't have right over valorant, but yeah, all these factors will surely help in improving the scene. Hoping for the best
#5(With 2 replies)
July 6, 2023 06:22pm
Bruh what are you on about??? Valve didnt realise anything, and in fact even if they had 0 players from India i doubt they would care much, and they dont care about what valorant is doing in anyway whatsoever. And by the way, Valve can absouletely afford to lose the indian fanbase.

The truth is, Valve doesnt give a damn about any region, they couldnt care less about marketing the game, was an HLTV initiative, and Skyesports Masters was something planned on its own as well.
#7(With 1 replies)
July 7, 2023 01:31pm
yeah, exactly bro!

I was in shock too when he said "valve realised"
Valve hasn't given fucks to CSGO ever, its just the community that likes that game so much and hence it's still alive.
#9(With 0 replies)
July 7, 2023 02:24pm
#6(With 4 replies)
July 6, 2023 08:39pm
we can only hope that things better with CS2
#8(With 3 replies)
July 7, 2023 01:32pm
not sure what CS2 can do in this. We need more than just CS2, building an ecosystem would be pretty difficult
#10(With 2 replies)
July 7, 2023 11:58pm
well I'm hoping the buzz around it being a "new" game should be able to pull some people in. The graphics look improved, many a times good visuals are enough to pull in casuals
#11(With 0 replies)
July 8, 2023 02:03pm
maybe, let's see
#12(With 0 replies)
August 24, 2023 01:34pm
Not just that, i think CS2 is beginner friendly as well. They've raised the skill ceiling but lowered the starting platform. In-game leaderboards etc might encourage people to grind more
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