The MongolZ persevere to take down Liquid

A 2-1 victory to kick off IEM Katowice for The MongolZ

The first match of the season for Asian giants The MongolZ took them to a skirmish against Team Liquid in the opening rounds of IEM Katowice 2025.

The Bo3 kicked off on Nuke, where NertZ and NAF powered Liquid’s T-side, securing 6 rounds in the half. While The MongolZ capitalized on the pistol and its conversion, Liquid held their defense strong to secure a 13-10 victory.

The second map was The MongolZ’s pick of Mirage, where they dominated their T-side to gain an 8-4 lead. While Liquid managed to narrow the score line to 8-7, they ultimately fell 13-8, giving the win to The MongolZ.

The final map was Ancient where a back and forth half from both teams ended up with an even score line. However, mzinho led the T-side for The MongolZ, helping them secure a narrow 13-11 win.

The MongolZ
2 - 1
All maps
The MongolZ K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Usukhbayar '910' Banzragch 53 - 38 +15 80.6 75.0% 1.24
Ayush 'mzinho' Batbold 48 - 49 -1 85.9 73.5% 1.18
Munkhbold 'Senzu' Azbayar 42 - 48 -6 67.1 66.2% 0.90
Sodbayar 'Techno' Munkhbold 42 - 48 -6 58.2 64.7% 0.88
Garidmagnai 'bLitz' Byambasuren 35 - 47 -12 62.2 69.1% 0.84
Liquid K - D +/- ADR KAST Rating 2.1
Guy 'NertZ' Iluz 60 - 48 +12 101.6 82.4% 1.40
Canada Keith 'NAF' Markovic 52 - 37 +15 77.0 72.1% 1.17
Australia Justin 'jks' Savage 44 - 42 +2 73.2 73.5% 1.02
Canada Russel 'Twistzz' Van Dulken 41 - 45 -4 68.3 75.0% 0.93
Roland 'ultimate' Tomkowiak 30 - 49 -19 50.0 63.2% 0.69

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