July 9, 2024 09:00am
Gods Reign holds on to top spot
Gods Reign drops a place in Asian rankings
The latest HLTV ranking update has Gods Reign hold on to the #1 spot in the Indian ranking for the 16th week! The Bhavi-led squad remains the best in the country with no change in the Indian rankings.

Image Credit: HLTV
True Rippers, who recently qualified for the $300,000 Skyesports Championship 2024, remain as the #2 ranked team in India with Marcos in third place ahead of Carnival Gaming.
The Asian rankings though, has some movement with Gods Reign dropping a place to #10 while True Rippers also drops a place to #12. Marcos Gaming and Carnival Gaming, both have similarly dropped places and are at #15 and #16 respectively. The MongolZ remain the best team in Asia and are #11 in the world.
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