ex-ROG Academy core looking for an Org

Another lineup of promising Indian prospects on the lookout for organizational support.

ROG Academy's vrenyy took to a post on X to announc the team's intention to seek support from an organization as they progress further into the CS2 season. The team comprises entirely of Indian players, featuring vrenny, alongside brock, KillSwiTcH, rayzer, and gohan.

Delving into the accomplishments of the team's core players, including brock, KillSwiTcH, and vrenny, reveals their impressive track record in Indian tournaments.

These achievements include a 3rd-4th place finish at Dust2 India Masters #3, a 2nd place finish at TEC Rise of Legion, and a 3rd place standing at Upthrust Gaming Season 3.

The current lineup of ROG Academy is:

  • vrenyy

  • brock

  • KillSwiTcH

  • rayzer

  • gohan

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