Marcos Gaming down to the lower-bracket

Bhavi: "shox helped us in the mental reset"

Marcos Gaming conceded a 1-2 series to True Rippers

A close 1-2 series loss to True Rippers sends Marcos Gaming down to the consolidation finals where they'll face the winners of the matchup between Pak Boyz and WahWah. After the match we got a chance to speak to Bhavi and he shared his insights, talking about how shox helped in keeping things light and was supportive.

I think shox helped us a lot in the mental reset after the first map. He was like don't think about what has happened, let's just focus on what we'll do next and how we can bring this series back for us. He told us not to overthink because we probably did that a lot on Mirage and that's what costed us the map. We kept things simple and bagged Ancient.

Speaking about the decider, Bhavi shared a few moments where he thought their executions were poor and True Rippers gained a lot of momentum. When asked about the match's turning points, Bhavi mentioned a B-hold from himself where he got a multi-frag but another kill would've confirmed the round.

There was a round where I was on boost in CT in the B-site. When they pushed in I got three of them, leaving them in a 1v2 and I think that was an important round that we dropped. I can't quite recall but we lost a round on the T-side with a poor execute and that gave them a lot of momentum.

When asked about his expectations for the next match where Marcos Gaming face the winners of the matchup between WahWah and Pak Boyz, Bhavi stated "Whoever makes it to the consolidation final, I'm confident we can beat them."

I think we're gonna have an India vs India grand-finals in the end.

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