B2 held a 1.25 HLTV rating in the grand finals

B2 about Bhavi: "He's one of the best IGLs in India"

Marcos Gaming win The DRAFT

Led by Bhavi and graced by the god-like presence of the iconic shox, Marcos Gaming halted True Rippers' comeback efforts to close out the series 3-2 in the grand finals to win The Draft. In a chat with B2 after the match, he shared his thoughts and feelings about the event and winning it.

It was a close game and we just wanted to carry over our form yesterday's Bo3s. We started really well on Vertigo and Ancient and tried to carry the momentum but on Mirage and Inferno True Rippers gave it their all as it was do or die for them. Every mistake we made were punished and we were falling short. On the last map we decided to forget everything that had happened so far and just try our best.

B2 spoke about his initial thoughts and feelings when he came across the concept of The DRAFT where he would get a chance to share the stage with legends of the game. He shared how he had idolised these players and never thought that a day would come where he would play alongside and against them.

We've been watching them growing up and they're the reason why are playing Counter-Strike. Five years ago I would not have believed that we would play with these guys. It was a great experience playing with them.

Finally B2 shared how the team mentally reset before Overpass to close out the series. He spoke about Bhavi as an IGL and how shox was huge boost to the team's morale. He mentioned that while Bhavi called the whole series, shox would give his inputs and ideas to compliment Bhavi's calling, creating an encouraging and enjoyable Counter-Strike environment.

Bhavi called throughout the series but shox gave his inputs and ideas. The main talk before Overpass came from shox and it massively boosted the team's morale because we were feeling down after loosing the previous two maps. At the end Bhavi's calling was amazing and shox with his mid-round calls just fine-tuned everything.

When asked about Bhavi, B2 went on to say that he was one of best IGLs in India. He spoke about the temperament that a player like Bhavi brought to the team and how the team benefits from having an In-game leader of that caliber.

Honestly he is one of the best IGLs in India. He loves growing the scene, he loves helping each and every player on his team improve their game no matter who they are. He always calls with confidence and works really hard. All the work that he has put into it has showed off today.

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