kennyS: 'I'm trying to help them (True Rippers) calm themselves during the games'

kennyS speaks with Dust2 India

After playing a crucial role in True Rippers' 2-0 win over Gods Reign, French star kennyS had a short chat with Dust2 India, where he spoke about the game and blending in with True Rippers.

The French superstar states that his first thoughts were on helping the team improve, in every aspect of the game. kennyS also spoke about using his experience to help the True Rippers squad stay calm during the games.

They have good energy, they're really good players and I'm really proud of them but I will definitely try to bring my experience (to help them get better).

While True Rippers had it relatively easy in the opening map, Gods Reign pushed them all the way to overtime on Inferno. kennyS shared insight about the team dynamic and the responsibility of sharing the calls between himself and DEFAULTER. While he guided the team on the T side, trying to execute relatively slow rounds, kennyS share an interesting insight on True Rippers' approach on the CT side.

On the CT side I tried to put the team first and not necessarily myself in front, which is something that I am not used to because as an AWP-er I generally feel the game pretty well. I felt the game pretty well (today also) and tried to get as many opening kills as possible. I tried to just setup the team properly and make sure that they(Gods Reign) would fall into our traps.

kennyS also mentioned that he thinks if they team was a bit more calmer in the game and the team understanding was a bit better, True Rippers would have closed out Inferno more comfortably. He also pointed out that these things happen as it was the first time they were playing together but he was surprised and happy with the team performance.

It feels good (to play against GuardiaN), GuardiaN is easily in the Top 3 AWPers in the history of Counter-Strike. We have a great rivalry and I have a lot of respect for him. For the majority of our careers we balanced it out well and put up a good fight. There's a lot of pride there and he is a Legend of our game.
kennyS speaks about his rivalry with GuardiaN over the years

kennyS signed off by praising Gh0sTTTT, the French legend mentioned that even though that their roles clash, he picked him out as a go-getter from the team.

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