Image Credit: Skyesports

Skyesports Grand Slam 2024: OCE Qualifier Day 2 results

Results of Round 3 of OCE Qualifiers

The OCE Qualifiers of Skyesports Grand Slam 2024 India took us to the third round on Day 2.

It took us to 4 BO3s in the Quarter Finial, where Mindfreak, KZG, Bad News Kangaroos, Making History emerged victorious, making their way to semi-finals.

Here is how the matches played out.

Round 3

  • Mindfreak vs Precision (2-0)

Mindfreak started the series with a dominant performance on Mirage, easing their way to a 13-3 win against Precision and on Anubis it was the same score line as Mindfreak waltz their way to a 2-0 series win.

  • DXA vs KZG (0-2)

Former Enigma player Roflko started their day against KZG and the series started with a tight Overpass which went the way of KZG at 13-10 and it was another back-and-forth match on Vertigo, which saw KZG hold on for a 13-11 win.

  • Bad News Kangaroos vs 500x (2-0)

Bad News Kangaroos had a ball against 500x as they smashed their opponents 13-1 on both maps in the series on Anubis and Inferno.

  • Making History vs 101EST (2-1)

Making History went up against 101EST in the final game of the day as Making History started strong with a 13-5 win on Vertigo. 101EST bounced back with a 13-9 win on Ancient but on the decider on Anubis it was one-way traffic for Making History who ran away to a 13-3 win to pick up the series 2-1.

The semi-finals are scheduled for February 11, 2024 at 13:30 IST (7 PM ADT) with Mindfreak going up against KZG while Bad News Kangaroos will take on Making History at the same time

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