SemperFi eliminates ONi
SemperFi kept themselves alive at the eXTREMESLAND Asia Open 2024 as they sent ONi home from the event after outlasting the Philippines team in the Group C elimination game.
The series kicked off on ONi's pick of Nuke which saw SemperFi tie up the opening half after starting 0-4 before putting up a strong defensive half that saw them lock in a big 13-8 win. On their own pick of Anubis, the Australian team struggled to get going as a flawless CT side from ONi saw them keep the series alive with a 13-4 win.
The decider on Mirage was a one-sided affair as shadiy, vision and keen's defence set up an eight round lead before SemperFi closed out the series at 2-1 by securing a 13-6 win on the decider. SemperFi will next take on the loser of the TYLOO vs IHC game in the Group C decider game on Friday, January 17, 2025.
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